Monday, November 11, 2013

Victoria Amazonica in the pond

I was able to get Victoria Amazonica,  the world's largest lily, to grow from seed this year in my pond

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Green friends in the Garden

Here are a couple of green friends. We have lots of tree frogs, and this green lizard lives in the passion vine, eating
Gulf Fritillary (akaPassion Butterfly) caterpillars that you see here all day

New Addtions

Vanda - Purple

Passion Vine

The Passiflora, known also as the passion flowers or passion vines, is growing up the side of my house and doing well.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Unusual Papaya

Unusual Papaya, see how the fruit hangs.
This Papaya was a male, when it changed sexes and started producing fruit, it did so in an unusual way, with these hanging strands of fruit instead of close to the trunk. This is from my mothers garden.

Chrysalis Zebra butterfly

This hatched chrysalis was for a Zebra Butterfly, on my Passiflora Incarnata vine. The Passiflora is a host plant for the Zebra Butterfly caterpillar.  In summer these are full of Zebra Butterflies and Gulf Fritillary Butterflies.

Passion fruit on a Passiflora vine