Friday, August 5, 2011

Unusual Papaya

Unusual Papaya, see how the fruit hangs.
This Papaya was a male, when it changed sexes and started producing fruit, it did so in an unusual way, with these hanging strands of fruit instead of close to the trunk. This is from my mothers garden.

Chrysalis Zebra butterfly

This hatched chrysalis was for a Zebra Butterfly, on my Passiflora Incarnata vine. The Passiflora is a host plant for the Zebra Butterfly caterpillar.  In summer these are full of Zebra Butterflies and Gulf Fritillary Butterflies.

Passion fruit on a Passiflora vine

Lotus from Seeds

I grew these Lotus from seed this Spring. Its August and still no flower, a flower is unlikely the first year, but I am externally optimistic

Dendrobium Orchid

Tiny yellow flowers from an unusual Dendrobium Orchid

Water Feature

This water feature was made by sealing an old pot, and planting with Black Magic (colocasia), Water Lettuce, and Fairy Moss (azolla caroliniana).  I keep the plants small by not fertilizing them

Begonias, birds nest fern and other assorted plants in the Garden

Aroid Seeds

Seeds from one of my Aroids

Water Feature -Backyard

This water feature was created by sealing a pot and filling it with duck week, water lettuce and local aquatic plants, and mosquito fish (Gambusia) to control mosquitoes

Papaya Trees and Bananas

The weight of the papayas broke both of my papaya trees in half, but my bananas are looking good.

Mango Shakes

Mango Shakes from the Garden